Originally Posted by ubertuber
Saw it today - thanks for the recommendation Will...
Any time, buddy!
Originally Posted by ubertuber
I'll have more to say when it isn't after midnight (pumpkins don't think fast). It was good, thought provoking, and thoughtful in a way that Fahrenheit wasn't. It's still a giant opinion piece full of cherry-picked anecdotes, but it's also full of content and good ideas.
Pumpkins aren't tubers! They're of the genus Cucurbita! I'm so confused!
Watching MM, you have to get used to the fact that some of the information is cherry picked. I still think that all of his overall messages have been totally correct, though.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
will, in the Great State of California who pays for motorists that are uninsured? Everyone else does. There is uninsured motorists insurance. What does that do for you? I've never really understood that. I always thought of it as "double dipping" my premium. It has always explained to me that it helps to cover those that don't have any insurance and do get into an accident. What does that mean too? Jazz? So in your plan why not invoke something along those lines?
No one pays for motorists who are uninsured. If they are involved in an accident, you have one of two outcomes: the uninsured are not at fault and the insured pay for damages or the uninsured is at fault and is usually sued. We don't have a system where everyone covers the uninsured necessarily. My dad used to own a landscaping business here in CA, and one of his workers wreaked one of his work trucks. He wasn't insured to be driving the vehicle, so he had to work to pay back the damage.