The money figures I posted were simply the increases.
The pay increase would push me to a little less then 100k a year. With the annual base raise next year, and overtime, I would be right at the 100k point. I also found out my pension contributions almost triple compared to my current job. I also receive a new pension to contribute to, I'm unsure at this point how much that particular pension is, but the pension increases are very substantial. Something else I wasn't aware of, I am currently finishing school for Information Technology Management. That was to put another resume out, so eventually we could move from Alaska. The new job I was interested in allows transfers, with seniority and a position. I can apply for a transfer in 2 years.
My wife and I talked it over last night, and I accepted the job. I just came the conclusion that my time spent with my boy is every that much more important. My family time will come, and I'm willing to sacrifice a little bit of my time with working to benefit us a family.
It seems to me the benefits to our family out-weight the negatives by a mile.
I thank you for your responses, have a nice night - wherever you may be.