Originally Posted by hagatha
My point is why marry? Why take on a traditional form of union and then enter into a polyamorous arrangement? Why not just live together? Who said marriage is a right? If you don't wish to live within its confines, don't do it.
At least in our case, we got married, and after a while found that some of the traditional restrictions really weren't working for us. Particularly as I (like the woman in the article) am bisexual, and felt not just a desire to experiment outside the relationship, but really felt like a part of me that needed to be expressed was utterly stifled. I think a lot of people wander blithely into marriage fully expecting that it's going to work, and fully intending to MAKE it work, but simply find that it doesn't work for them, for whatever reason. At least in our case, we found that redefining it to accommodate needs we never dreamed we would have when we married at 22 was much preferable to calling it quits because we couldn't play by other people's expectations for what marriage should be.
Why would it bother you that people redefine marriage FOR THEMSELVES? It seems unrealistic and more than a little rigid to insist that all people view social institutions in exactly the same light.