holy shit, wareagl threw the Travelers into this? i don't know if i'd call them hippies, so much...we've got a huge enclave of them just down the road from where i sit.
as far as the hygiene bit, it's not so much that a lot of "hippies" i know/knew never bathed...they just didn't "do" deodorant. sometimes...sometimes, they have those little crystal thingies that you could rub under your armpits to make you feel like you'd done something, but when you actually had just rubbed a rock under your armpits. still smell. and [b]then[b] there's the whole patchosiauiiali thing.
i personally don't have a positive or negative view of hippies until i meet the person or people. i find that when i meet a hippie that i do like, they are pretty much some of my favorite people; them's my people.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style