Originally Posted by pig
you never know what someone means when they refer to a 'hippie' or the 'hippie culture,' it's pretty subjective.
Clearly! And this thread is good evidence of your point... which is why I started it. I felt like I had no idea what "hippie" meant anymore, and couldn't understand why it was seen negatively. Now I see why some people view it negatively (though I still don't... you go, SnowyOwl!) Then again, Oregon resident = Hippie by nature.
We Seattleites up north are just plain yuppy (or is that yuppIE?), I think.
Thank you, Microsoft, Starbucks, and Costco.
I've learned a lot about people's conceptions of hippies in the last 24 hours. I had no idea that so many people thought hippies smelled bad/never bathed... does being French = hippie, then?
(I kid, I kid.)
Come to think of it, is Hippie a purely American concept, or can it apply to other countries as well? Of course, with Europe's emphasis on liberal values and environmental awareness, the whole damn continent might qualify as Hippie. The Netherlands in particular.
Anyway, carry on...