Originally Posted by hagatha
All I could see was how utterly selfish the woman was---the husband was pretty much so so about the whole thing. She could shroud her "needs" in all the flowery, hippie child bullshit she wanted, what it came down to was MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME.....
I totally agree with this. And something that has bothered me recently is all his claiming of being "open" is better than being "closed". Which has gone so far to say that "I'm being so open I'll fuck anyone, this is a good thing". Obviously being closed minded limits a person. But being SO open-minded to everything destroys a person I think, they get lost in desire/selfishness.
"A woman can't sleep around without risking terrible retribution, to her reputation, to her prospects, to her life. "Can anyone find a single culture in which women with unrestrained sexual appetites aren't viewed as more aberrant than comparably libidinous men?" Robert Wright.
But obviously I know everyone realises this, its just the basis of my stance that if society is like that, theres gotta be a reason for it. Supposedly that reason is genetic, that a man has a high sex drive for probability that he needs to spread his seed to get the good chance of producing quality offspring, whereas a woman is supposed to find the one great male, and try to latch on to him to provide for the babies from that man, its unrealistic for the man to really take care and love a baby that isn't his, so they have to concentrate on one partner.
I think this whole open marriage thing is just a facade for people who are utterly selfish, they want everything. They know nothing of dignity, self-control, discipline. All they know is to feed their desire is whats "right", and being happy is the most important thing.
( On a similar note i read this article recently
which goes to argue against the supposed relationship genetics of man and woman, and what they want, it makes some great points but then some comparisons are a bit pointless in light of modern day realistics.)