I'd say either make the move and be in a relationship, or cut your losses and stop all contact with her, for the foreseeable future. I see no other way through this.
I guess I'm one who doesn't think men and women can easily handle being "best friends" without one person ending up with a crush and becoming the Cuddle Bitch (and yes, it happened to me, and I was a Cuddle Bitch for way too long... reflected my lack of self-esteem, in hindsight).
So, do you want to be a Cuddle Bitch? If you don't, then do something about it, or make her decide, and quick. Don't just sit around putting out emotionally for someone, for an extended period of time, if she/he isn't willing to be there 100% for you in a reciprocal, committed way.
My two cents and all that.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran