Originally Posted by Charlatan
You do know that the choice to have a c-section by models and actors is directly related to the fact that most stretch marks occur in the final weeks of pregnancy as the baby drops in preparation for birth. A c-section, scheduled with this in mind, will generally help in the prevention of stretch marks.
As for the scaring from the incision. a) these are highly trained doctors who are working to minimize scar tissue and b) they make the incision quite low, below the line where a bikini would cover (i.e. no visible scar).
It's all about appearances.
Exactly. I remember when Jane Seymour, at the age of 47 or so, had twins and the talkshows, etc., were all abuzz with how fantastic she looked just after giving birth...hello??? C-Section with a cosmetic surgeon on hand to do the finishing stitching? I'd have looked fantastic as well. I wasn't aware until after my kids came that I could have requested a plastic surgeon to stitch me up.
Analog: no reason to appear snippy. I'm not a student getting the latest information any more than you're preggers

I just read a lot about issues that I've either experienced or know of others who have and absorb the info, however anecdotal it may appear.
It had been suggested to me numerous times to sue my OB/GYN for the damage done. The scar is not only 'visible', but made my abdomen quite misshapened. Best case scenario is no visible scar, etc., but patients and doctors are unique and best case scenario is not universal. I will note that I had one of the most popular and well-respected OB/GYN high risk specialists in the state. But I can still stuff change under the left side of my stomach.....