Yeah I just basically feel like as long as she's "being my friend" it's just drudging up my past.
She seems to have made her choice though since she hasn't talked to me since I laid it out for her. She's been wiped from my contacts. It should have been done a long time ago, I apparently lack the knife in my personality that lets me turn on and off how I feel, and I lack the tolerance in my life to be hopeful for a wishy little dream that seems forever out of my reach.
I pretty much feel like i'm breaking up with her this time, which is how it should be. You can't claim to love me while doing this to me emotionally and just continuing to tell me how it is "SO MISERABLE" for you to be with your so called soulmate. You can't sit there and fuck some other guy and tell me you love me, thats bullshit.
I mean yeah I don't doubt that there is a human capacity to love more than one person but I can honestly say she doesn't love me like I love(d) her or this would be a non-issue.
fuck man... just... fuck.
time to let it fade... I can't deal with it.