Originally Posted by shakran
Bull. This board didn't follow any trend. Those of us who lean left have always been here. The conservatives wussed out and quit because so much shit has come out about Bush and his cronies that it's completely impossible for them to continue to support him without getting laughed out of the room.
There was a time not so very long ago when Ustwo and others were on here proudly touting Bush and his policies. The war in Iraq is great! We'll find WMD's soon!
But now that all of that has been exposed as the idiotic lie many of us always knew it was, the conservatives have no one to cheer for. Naturally, they stopped posting.
Saying that the board has followed the trend implies that we have changed our minds. We haven't. I was against the war before it started. The only thing different about the board now than the way it was before is that the conservatives are being quiet - -that doesn't mean they're suddenly leaning left.
They didn't just stop posting, a lot of them stopped saying Bush was right or good. This wasn't just on TFP, but across the country. When the information that Iraq had jack to do with 9/11, Bush lost a shitload of support. Shitload is my word today. Just like those on TFP who spoke against Bush have always been here, likewise regular joe liberals around the US have been doing the same since the stolen election. I have. I mean the board as a whole followed the trend, not that most people who are anti-bush now changed their minds.
Originally Posted by shakran
Well, that Is what America is all about, because that information has been available for years (go read Ghost Plane) and no one's done jack about it.
The people support torture because the people aren't doing anything to stop it.
Do I sound angry? Well, yeah. I'm damned angry. I'm angry that I can't be proud of my country anymore. I'm angry that I have to go a step further and be ashamed of it. But any country that invades other countries that aren't doing anything to it is evil. Any country that promotes torture is evil. And anyone who sits by and watches it happen without lifting a finger or at the very least a voice to stop it is evil as well.
My turn to QFT.
I'm right there with yah. If there was any justice, Alberto would be waterboarded and kept awake with loud music in a dimly lit room for years at a time. Bush would have his shitty ranch invaded by Iraqi nomads and have his daughters kidnapped and taken to Gitmo. I'm not advocating this, but it would be the eye for an eye justice that can be effective.
People who still support the Bush administration should be ashamed of themselves. I'm ashamed of them, but not my country. I'm disappointed that more people didn't speak up. Bush lost 2 elections and is still sitting in Gore's/Kerry's chair. That fucker needs to go home and read a book.
Recon, you're alone just like IL, Ace and many other conservatives because your representative leaders are fools or evil or both. It's hardly Host's fault that AG is a piece of shit.