Just to chime in, but my dad is a seasoned Fire Fighter. As soon as he saw the towers on fire he said "they are going to collapse". The building is made of steel and other metals, when metals heat they expand. The WTC was designed to have it's weight supported by the outside walls of the building. If you have an uneven expansion of those structures, there is bound to be a weak spot and is bound to collapse.
I believe that most of these conspiracy theorists are full of shit. But that may be because these attacks were a deliberate strike against, to be what I consider, my home and all of this is just very personal to me.
-- Not on topic but wanted to get it out there --
I live across the Hudson and have a great view of the NYC skyline, and work next to a commuter lot where people park their cars and take the train to work in the City. A lot of those cars never left the lot. It saddens me to even consider or think about this being a deliberate attack by the US government on it's own people.