Originally Posted by highthief
What is it with wrestlers? So many meet a bad end - suicide, drugs, etc.
It speaks volumes when you realize Hulk Hogan is the most well adjusted of the lot!
I'm sure there are more well adjusted ones than Hogan....lol.
It's the lifestyle, a life of pain from in ring injuries, arthritis, bad backs, knees, ankles etc.
Also, when you have 1000's making you a hero and cheering you and you can make them love/hate you, every single night, there's an ego thing.
All of a sudden you turn around and your home life is falling apart, you look out and see kids coming up getting the pushes and popularity as you are pushed back, maybe told to job to a few up comers so that they can get some recognition.
Meanwhile the fans who cheered you are starting to fade, your tee shirt and merchandise sales decrease, McMahon is asking you to do things you physically can't but you know you can't say no.
So you pop pain pills and do what it takes. The kids wanting position see this and take advantage of your situation and start getting you to embarass yourself so that they can move into your spot.
A possibility in Benoit's case: he goes home needing peace, find the wife cheating or she starts in yelling about something and he snaps. Then the guilt sets in the son sees mommy, he starts realizing there's no way out sooooo..... I doubt we'll ever know.