Originally Posted by flstf
Regardless of how flawed this study might be, it would not surpise me to learn that most reporters are Democrats and most media company owners are Republican.
In my experience that's certainly true. The owners of ANY company tend to lean republican because the republicans are the ones giving all the huge breaks to companies. If I had several million on the line, I'd probably vote republican too (except for that whole conscience thing, and that whole giving a shit about my fellow man thing .. .

Meanwhile the journalists, who's job it is to know what's really going on, don't so much tend to lean democratic as they tend to lean to whichever side makes the most sense and promises to do the least amount of damage.
But we are capable of separating our personal beliefs from our job. You won't find me calling Bush a moron in any of my stories -- I reserve that for the TFP
All that said, it is completely inappropriate for a journalist to donate to a political cause. Some people have already been fired as a direct result of the information exposed in this story, and more heads are expected to roll.
By the way, if the press really had a liberal bias, do you really think the network that's so often accused of that would run a story like this?