i think it's a good list, but i think the weights before cardio part isn't really accurate.
"However, trainers, serious athletes and bodybuilders do weights first: this way, your heart rate goes up and when you lift, your body is in more of a fat burning mode."
assuming i remember my exercise physiology class right, we don't use fat to power our muscles when doing anaerobic exercise like weight lifting. so you're not going to get into a "fat burning mode" by lifting weights first.
it's my opinion that unless you're planning on an hour of cardio, doing something like HIIT, or seriously body building (or training hard core for something specific), it doesn't matter which you do first.
if you're really training for something specific, then it's probably best to warm-up and then do whatever is specific to your goal (ie. if you're body building, warm-up then weight lift; if you're training for a marathon, warm-up then hit the track).
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer