....sigh.... the democrats tried to stop the plan to invade Iraq in the first place, then they tried to stop the supplemental funding for it....and they called the rationale for invading Iraq "a fraud" early, and often....but they didn't have the votes, and Bush had the "bully pulpit".....9/11.........9/11.......9/11.......9/11...
The Bush administration made sure that it would be a tough political fight...they still are....and they've actually reversed sentiment to an extent, with their bullshit propaganda....while the troops continue to die in Iraq:
(This is from just ten months ago
<b>The problem for democratic congressional leaders....they did resist, they did object, they did vote against the 2002 resolution and against the supplemental Iraq war funding appropriations....is that the Bush administration, with the cooperation of many partisan supporters and the sincere, gullible folks with misplaced patriotic sentiments and irrational fears that the partisans "played"....is that a common sense driven, "will of the majority", has still not coalesced around the five years old, consistent democratic opposition to all of the deception, wasted lives, wasted money.....</b>
Here is the speech on the senate floor by the senior democratic senator, against the first supplemental appropriations request to fund the Iraq war: