Originally Posted by Randerolf
I've found that Southerners are raised to use a respectful "Yes, Ma'am/ No, Ma'am" while Northerners tend to view it as sarcastic and tend to use a simple yes or no. It's simply cultural.
I'm from Northern California. We didn't fight the separatists, but we're pretty damn yankee so far as culture. I was brought up and continue to use the titles of sir and ma'am as a sign of respect. I think there may be a misconception when it comes to the differences between the 'north' and the 'south'. I've seen it more than a few times. Southern men are considered to have better manners, which I find to be horribly odd because the last time I was in Florida I was flipped off more times than I've ever been flipped off in LA. Morality, ethics, and manners can come from anywhere. They are not more prevalent in the north or south. Or the east or west, for that matter.