My nephew is 24 and was diagnosed with Crohn's at the age of 12. He has an extremely severe case due to misdiagnosing for two years as it ran rampant. Is the intestinal stricture related to the Crohn's or scoliosis?
Were you on steroid therapy for it that affected you by causing your other maladies? I know that in my nephew's case, the prednisone caused osteoporosis and he got fat so rapidly that his skin tore, leaving stretch marks over much of his body.
I'd suggest finding a support group, at least for Crohn's. If you are in college, there may be something of that sort.
I know that sometimes we feel that no one could possibly be in the same predictament and, while it's true that some of us have not had to go through what you, Spectre, my nephew and others have, in some ways, you all are the stronger of the lot. You've crossed through tunnels and come out the other side, a bit battle weary, covered in the scars, but you're here. New appreciations for the delicacies and fickleness of life, even if right now you feel life sucks.
Edit: wow! in the time it took to proofread myself, look at all your cohorts!!!
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.