and now I have spidey powers....
but no seriously, I figure i'd know if it was a poisonous threat within a few hours of it happening (dropped off the wall at a local resturaunt and got me right in the underside of my left sholderblade.)
I felt fine aside from the initial sting.
today though, my elbow feels like I twisted my arm 360 degrees in the wrong direction or something.
its not really localized to the bite but I dunno know enough about spider toxins to figure if this is some weird coincidence or maybe a muscular symptom?
I didn't really get a good look at the spider, i kinda spazzed after it bit me and it looked kinda like a white spider but it coulda been the lighting, after the "brushoff" I couldnt find it.
meh, other than that I feel fine, and it was 36 hours ago.
I guess I shouldnt worry too much but if someone here is gonna scare me with "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE! I'VE SEEN IT HAPPEN BEFOOOOOORE!" yeah... let me know