Originally Posted by Crompsin
Instructions: Remain calm. Screw college girls and consume pork products.
Wait...I thought you were a devout Muslim...
Man, this is some rough stuff. Considering the above, it's very likely that there was funny business and if that's the case (even if it isn't the case) you didn't deserve the shit you were put through. I don't say this often enough, but divorce counseling is absolutely brilliant stuff. Blow off steam, ninja it up, but talking to a professional listener (not dissimilar from myself) could do a world of good.
BTW, you're hardly a naive idiot. Being in a relationship is like being blind deaf, mute, and drunk in a Lambo with a prostitute driving 125 on the Vegas strip, in that you lose your perspective a bit. You're not going to notice everything because you're in that love fog that people get into. I'm in it myself and I do miss things from time to time. It's 100% normal. Besides, hindsight is 20/20. Deal with your feelings now, but don't beat yourself up.
Best of luck, and cheers.