Originally Posted by host
It seems that, <b>out of 143 of these people it identified, MSNBC found that less than 20 donated to republicans.</b> I'm wondering....knowing what we know, why the number supporting republicans is still so high.....
In a world without propaganda, only the Bond villan-esque would donate to the Republicans, but in reality they can trick many, many people into jumping on board, usually using their fear or stubbornness. 1 in 5 dentists is going to be an idiot. Likewise, 20/143 journalists are going to be stubborn or ignorant asses.
I have to admit, this got a chuckle out of me a bit. "the number supporting republicans is still so high"...1/7 isn't bad at all. If we can get a number like that at Fox News, we will have won.