pan6467, i need to send you a pic of me. pretty much like your avatar
You all will probably be hearing a lot more from me. I am 40 1/2 and on day 8 of Chantix (the day i was told to stop smoking PERIOD).
Since I started Chantix (to be know here with in as Cx) a week ago cigs started to taste like an ashtray. I still smoked any way even though I really did not feel the need except in the morning first thing.
As others have stated, and what I am worried about, Is the habitual movement of hand and the feeling of filling my lungs with smoke. I have not yet smoked today and had a pack a day habit for 14 years. I really do not feel too much of a need for a smoke other then my starting to feel my lungs again (burning, like a passion for smoke).
Other then that I feel good. In the past I have tried to quit but by mid day I would be dizzy, have a headache and usually have an extremely loose bowel. Like I said above, I feel pretty dang good save the urge to fill my lungs.
I may run to the store and get some vinegar and salt potato chips as taking a mouth full and then breathing in the fumes helped me at times that I couldn't smoke.
Thank you all for being here and putting up with the trying to quiter's such as my self. The support needed at a time like this is priceless.