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Old 06-22-2007, 01:14 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Location: Shoreline, WA, USA
Originally Posted by highthief
I'm always amazed at the foolishness of some people. Whatever anyone might think about childbirth being a natural event, it is utterly undeniable that for millenia women have been dying in vast numbers while giving birth unassisted. Prior to the 20th century it was the leading cause of death of women around the globe.

Go the hospital or at least have a highly trained midwife on hand.

Am I missing something or is this concept really defensible?[/I]
Of course, it is defensible, there are no laws against free birthing. There are also no laws saying we have to license people to make sure they are fit parents. We license drivers, but not parents. Some people take classes and some don't. Some have midwives at home births and some don't. No reason to judge them. I knew a woman who gave birth at home and no complications and no drugs. They lived 10 blocks or so from the hospital and they made damn sure their car had gas in it and was in good working order. (^: My best friends tried to have a home birth, but the labor took 24 hours and they just went to the hospital in the car and did a c-cection. No big deal. Contrary to popular opinion life is not sacred ever. Just look at the carnage and death Bush is doing in Iraq to see that. Unborn children don't vote and fetuses are treated as people treat themselves. People yell at pregnant women who smoke, but don't yell at pregnant women who eat junk food or don't take parental classes ?? Freebirth is a direct reaction to the unethical high costs of hospitals and medications. Drug companies make record profits over and over again and push more an more drugs on the multitude. Those drugs are tested on animals and fetuses and lots of kids and adults. Life is not sacred, well it is at certain moments when I get stuck near a wasps nest and I run toward it accidentally instead of away from it. *smile*

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ourselves. It is a civil war, and in all such
contentions, triumphs are defeats." Mr Colton
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