Well, I can definitely answer that question. It's very rare that Disease X is excluded from healthcare coverage. The more popular plans (at least from what Business Insurance says) tend to give a lifetime limit (typically $1,000,000). There are more expensive plans with higher limits or no limits. You shouldn't worry about Disease X being excluded, unless she already has Disease X and knows it. A lot of plans, especially the cheaper ones, have real problems with pre-existing conditions.
Really, the things you need to be more focused on are:
1) price
2) deductibles
3) copayments
4) limit
5) size of network
Again, if you (or anyone else) run into insurance terms that you need help defining, just let me know. If you feel a PM or email is necessary for privacy's sake, that's fine with me too. I won't (can't is more like it) sell you anything, and I'm happy to act as a neutral third party. TFP folks contact me every once in a while with questions, and I'm always happy to help.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo