Yeah, this is turning into a threadjack, but basically what I meant is that I remember hearing that kind of stuff maybe 10 years ago... like with my first boyfriend, in high school. Guess how long that relationship lasted? About two months.

And honestly, really haven't heard/used it since.
I just don't see a need to use that kind of hyperbole in a stable, day-to-day relationship. Saying "I love you," sure, that's important. But exaggerating it into some overly romantic/dramatic thing that will last "forever an' ever an' ever, my widdle hoochykins..." Yeah, that's too much. I'm with Cyn (again) here, with the very subtle, small "romantic" things, that are often totally non-verbal... but communicate so much intimacy and honest love. That kind of stuff, on a day-to-day basis, is what keeps it going for years, decades...
Even the wedding vows between me and my husband didn't involve any usage of "forever" or "never." We promised to honor each other each day, for all the days that we are together... and hell, we do both hope that we'll be together for the rest of (one of) our lives. But why vow something that is pretty much impossible? People change, or people die. One or the other inevitably happens, in any relationship. Everyone has to deal with those consequences. There is no forever, for anyone or any couple.