ghost world
In this movie, I really didn't know what to expect. It's very basic but the characters are detailed enough. Its about 2 emo girls who graduate and then just hate everything and everyone. They pull pranks on people and bitch about life and everything that's not super obscure. Unless you're emo, odds are you'll hate this movie.
I couldn't like anyone in this because they were just so fucking annoying!!
The only thing I liked was the style of the movie. It looked like everything was from a different era. and steve buscemi played his character well.
So no, I Do not recommend this.
My overall rating is: 5/10
hard candy
I checked on rottentomatoes to see what the best movies of the years were and this one was in the users top 100 or something like that for 2006 or 2005.
And i don't know why.
It takes a while to understand where the story is going but once you see, its very boring. Spoiler:
A teenage girl(14) goes on a date with a photograph(32) she met online. once they get to the guys place, she drugs him and then starts torturing him for apparently killing a girl that's been missing for a few days/weeks.
There's not really any good parts in the movie. Spoiler:
The acting is just 2 people yelling at each other, the scene is just 1 house and the story drags on and on till the last 5min. I was starting to get extremely annoyed with both characters. Spoiler:
the guy is supposed to be the bad guy but I kept wanting him to get free to kill the girl and the girl never does anything that makes me like her.
Even if you're a big fan of thrillers/horror/suspense movies, I really don't recommend this one. avoid it!
My overall rating is: 3/10
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spoiler tags added by request. sorry if i ruined the movie for anyone!