Originally Posted by Denman

This is the symbol for humanism, which basically is a set of secular beliefs about how to treat your fellow man (and woman). Humanism rejects things that can't be proven and places its faith in reasoning, facts, and logic as apposed to deities and the supernatural. In other words, it's a set of beliefs for atheists.
This convinces me of what I thought all along:
athiesm needs a symbol as much as
theism does. It doesn't make sense to me. If you want to be an atheist
and have a cool symbol, you will need to refine your beliefs and choose something less generic than: "I don't believe in deities." Be an atheist who's also a humanist, Marxist, Buddhist, whatever; just choose something that works for you. Blend it if you want. Don't automatically think you have a unique set of values that cannot be defined. It's likely you have beliefs borrowed from one or more philosophy/value system whether they are religious or non-religious. Relate to one of them and bask in their symbol's coolness.