Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
My argument is only that it is not the schools place to provide that nudge. The school is there to teach how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, how to construct a sentence, where our borders end and the other guy’s begins, and so on.
So people who have been trained to deal with kids and teens, who have had possibly decades of experience with them, shouldn't help them learn about and prepare for the world where an individual is a part of a society? That seems kinda silly. Schools do everything from babysitting to punishment, things you'd think a parent would do. Schools aren't just about learning maths.
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Doesn’t that smack of forced labor?
PE is forced labor. I don't see many people calling it slavery.
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
And again…I bring up the Boy Scouts. Sounds, to me, like exactly what they do.
What is the ratio of Boy Scouts to total students?
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Certainly, that’s one form of slavery. I would define slavery a little more broadly. Perhaps slavery can also mean forcing the citizenry to do that which they would otherwise be disinclined to do, mutual benefit or no.
Schools are there to teach children how to be adults not just thorough memorizing the Pythagorean theorem or the difference between a cell membrane and a cell wall, but how operating in the world works. I wish they had tax classes when I was in HS. I wish they had office politics classes when I was in HS.
BTW, it would only be forced if the person in question is under 18, of course. While I don't agree with it, children don't enjoy the same freedoms as adults. So long as the parent signs off on the work, shit yes the kids better do it or they won't graduate.
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
By that logic, the neither is mandatory military service. Somehow, I don’t get the impression that this is something that you would be in support of.
If our military wasn't a pawn, I might be inclined to agree. That not being the case, I see them as very different.
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Oh, please… 
Okay, but you have to back me up on Godwins, then.
Well put, Pan!