Originally Posted by seretogis
I think you'd be surprised, especially in the suburbs. There have to be people loudly objecting before anything like that would get on the local news, much less nationally recognized or result in lawsuits. In the vast majority of public schools events like dances are still forcibly heterosexual-only. My example simply takes it to the next logical step.
I'm going to take that assertion at face value--I have no evidence against it despite how inaccurate it sounds to me and how many anecdotes I have against it. I suspect you have only anecdotal evidence for it, either, though.
Even so: your objection to community service requirements in public schools is based entirely on worst-case what-ifs. In order for your little "my school requires them to skin animals" analogy to work, you'd have to be actively opposed to the notion of community service. I don't THINK that's what you're saying, I just don't think you thought that analogy through particularly well.
I also note that we're STILL talking in the abstract. Can ANYONE say ANYTHING about how schools are actually handling this? Because otherwise, I'll start a thread about whether public schools should be allowed to force our children to recite Dr. Seuss while standing on footstools and wearing textbooks as hats.