Once more I find myself siding with Will, and considering the fact that he and I differ MAJORLY in some of our opinions, this is interesting.
I find it almost INCREDIBLE that some of you out there are just assuming that having our students perform some type of community service is FORCING them against their will to do something, or enslave them? This is REDICULOUS! If I am reading WillRavel correctly, we are NOT saying to force them to walk around the community picking up trash, or hit the streets and scrub the Grafitti off the walls(that were probably painted by many of them in the FIRST place) But what we are saying is to teach our children to VOLUNTEER to help in our communities in whatever capacity that child wishes. My daughter LOVES to help out in our town. She volunteers at MANY of the city functions (i.e. parade preparation, halloween 'haunted house'...etc.) and she LOVES it. I am not saying tell the kids they have to go pick up trash, but to teach out own children that it is the RIGHT THING TO DO. Not by forcing them, but by raising them to know what is right and what is wrong in our society. Face it people, we have raised a society of children who are all "ME" oriented. All they care about these days is self-gratification. What ever happened to a community who CARES about itself? We tend to teach our children to worry about themselves, and NOT society as a whole. It is about time that the children learn that the world CAN be a better place with THEIR help.
Originally Posted by Dksuddeth
It is not your duty, responsibility, or your 'civic duty' to force me or my children to be required to perform some sort of socialistic community service. It is not your right or duty to teach me or my children YOUR ethics, nor is it the communities. You are infringing on my right and the rights of my children by forcing your beliefs on me, just as you would be screaming to hell and high water if some christian or muslim were trying to force their religious beliefs on you.
Nobody teaches my kids responsibility but me and their mother. If I fail in that responsibility, it is NOT the communities to pick it up
I hate to disagree with you there Dk, but if YOU fail in your responsability as a parent, it is not only our job as a society to pick it up, but it is our DUTY as a community! Otherwise we will have a society of children who weren't taught the meaning of self-responsability, and civic duty...oh wait, it is too late, they already ARE for the most part. So yes, it IS our job to pick up the torch if someone drops it. Not in forcing religious ideas, but yes, ethic as a COMMUNITY should be taught. What is right and wrong in a society, what is legal and NOT legal, what is the right thing to do when you are a member of a society!
What about the children who dont HAVE parents? Should we not teach THEM what is right and wrong in society? I mean Heaven forbid we infringe on THEIR rights, or the rights of their drug-dealing parents who don't know the first THING about raising children. It is our JOB and DUTY as a society to help form our youth into law-abiding, contributing members of society. Not by FORCING them to do something, but by leading them in the right direction, and giving them the opportunity to find a good civil service to help out in is a part of that.