Originally Posted by seretogis
The second amendment exists to allow citizens to protect themselves from the government. The national guard is a tool of government, and would obviously be useless in protecting us from the government in the event that it oversteps its bounds.
Our founders were bright enough to see the eventual regression of the United States government into something wrong and which should be fought against. They included the second amendment to help us fight against it. Yes, that freedom comes at a cost, but it is one that anyone who truly values freedom should be willing to accept. If you are not, please don't try to forfeit that freedom on behalf of the rest of us. :P
It always surprises me when people tell me my opinion is wrong. My opinion is my opinion. I'm interpreting the words of the Amendment to the best of my english speaking abilities (I always received top marks in English from kindergarden through my graduation from a top private college... except for spelling, though I never really thought spelling was all that important). Having read the Second Amendment hundreds of times, you'll have to show me where protection against the government is mentioned because I've apparently missed it hundreds of times.
So here you are:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Good luck.
I see 'security of a free state', but that's a hell of a ways away from fighting the government.