Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Fine, gun control doesn't work, hasn't worked, will never work. gun control was started in 1934 and crime has grown exponentially since then. so much for gun control.
You're welcome to your opinion, of course.
I am of a different opinion, personally. I believe that, based on crime in places where guns are banned, like the UK, we may be better off without making unnecessary weapons so readily available to everyone. I, myself, was shot in the leg by a gun that was legally purchased. As the statistics above make clear, guns may not kill people, but they sure as heck make it easier. People will always be violent, and many will be irresponsible. It's unfortunate, but considering the high rate of gun crime in the US, we may be better off simply making sure that only law enforcement officers are armed with weapons as deadly as guns. As for hunting, I'm not bad using the bow and arrow, and I would think there would be more sport in use of such a projectile weapon, anyway (considering that hunting is a sport, now).
Speaking to the Bill of Rights, specifically the Second Amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Some people prefer to interpret this as meaning that everyone in the US has the right to own a gun. I don't. I see this as a clear indication as to how the founding fathers say the US needs a militia force, like the National Guard, that can be well armed and trained for times of need. I agree that the military should be armed, and that taking those arms is a clear indication that something is wrong, so they should be Constitutionally protected.
The right to bear arms (btw, 'arms' is a very open term that can be open to interpretation) for all people makes little sense, especially considering how that very interpretation puts guns into the hands of the people that pro-gun people buy guns to defend their family from. What a horrible irony that is, and it seems to be a matter of escalation that can be avoided.
Just my two cents. Shani, you obviously have a lot of stuff in here. I hope it's been helpful.