As someone who doesn't pay a whole lot of attention to this specific issue, who doesn't own a gun, and probably will never do so (I subscribe to the Ron White School of Hunting; it's too early in the morning, too cold outside, and I don't want to f***ing go), there seems to me that there is a major difference between gun CONTROL and a gun BAN.
Gun control, to me, is a lot like the present rules involving distribution of alcohol, and maybe even automobiles (although not in the combined way mentioned earlier with driving under the influence).
There are limits to buying both guns and cars, through licenses, registration, insurance (for cars), etc. There are also ways of preventing certain people from buying each.
A gun ban is more like Prohibition, or illegal drugs. Law-abiding citizens would obey, but if someone wants the banned item, they can find it relatively easily. Plus, there is an increase of crime, especially violent crime, due to the people wanting the banned item.
I can get behind certain amounts of gun control, but a gun ban would be insane to me.
"Final thought: I just rented Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine. Frankly, it was the worst sports movie I've ever seen."
--Peter Schmuck, The (Baltimore) Sun