Originally Posted by dksuddeth
when a law makes a person a defenseless victim, that law should be abolished. gun control laws make people in to defenseless victims. drunk driving laws do not prevent people from defending themselves.
This is not actually the reality. Most gun control is directed at high power assault weapons, or at instant access to a weapon without some level of check on the individual before issuing a firearm permit. I doubt very much you, or anyone else would carry an assault rifle around as a weapon of self defense, and sincerely hope you would want to prevent an unstable person from getting a legal weapon for personal use.
I understand you are adamant about your right to bear Arms, and that is fine. It is important for you to equally understand that limitation MUST be placed on these weapons at some point for the stability of our society. Very few expect you to surrender your Guns, and limit your ability to protect yourself. But most people have a problem with allowing complete freedom when it comes to deadly weapons in the hands of everyone.
I doubt you would feel comfortable knowing the neighbor you just pissed off, who has a history of beating his wife has an M-14 in his closet.