Originally Posted by Walking Shadow
But as for your linked bit of nonesense, so what if someone was able to take the parts of a bomb through airport security? They'd still have to find some privacy to put the damn thing together and these days that's virtually impossible. And there's no way they'd be able to put it together once they were on the plane, that'd be WAY too suspicious.
First off, bathrooms = privacy. On land or in the air, assuming you are quick enough.
Second, my link was just an example, the first one I could find. You could also try these three, each from a different year:
Checkpoint screeners at 32 of the nation's largest airports failed to detect fake weapons — guns, dynamite or bombs — in almost a quarter of undercover tests by the Transportation Security Administration last month, documents obtained by USA TODAY show.
Checkpoint security screeners at Denver International Airport last month failed to find liquid explosives packed in carry-on luggage and also improvised explosive devices, or IED's, worn by undercover agents sources told 9NEWS.
Posing as passengers, the decoys try to take dummy bombs, unloaded guns and other contraband through the airport's security checkpoints. But the lawsuit said Covenant tracked the decoys via closed-circuit television cameras and tipped off workers at security gates to expect a test.
As a result, Covenant's personnel intercepted as many as 90 percent of the federal decoys in the tests, according to the complaint.
Yeah, and they
still missed 10%!