Originally Posted by analog
Hair I don't like:
That thing where the hair is straight back, but there's that little section at the front middle that they pinch together and sometimes poof up a little... I hate that.
I'm still trying to visualize that.
On men, I like alot of different hairsyles. What I don't like is crew cuts, or spikey punk 80's things. Military cuts are okay, sexy on some, but you just can't grab a handful when you want to.
I like to wear mine slightly layered, elbow length, but after getting alot of split ends cut it's just down the middle of my back now. The styles I like on women are the kind I like to wear. Long and...straight, curly, french braided, ponytail (high and low), and occasionally in a bun. Things I don't like on women: bald, an inch long and spiked, pink/purple/green hair, 2 or more piggy tails, teased within an inch of someone's life.