Be willing to walk away, and make sure the salesperson knows it.
With the last car I bought, (a 2002 mazda protege) it got to the point where the salesperson asked what I was wanting to pay. I named my price, and he came up with something $200 higher, and said that was the best he could do. I said "well, I hate to walk away over just $200, but..." and started to get up. Bam. Immediately he met my price. If he hadn't, I just would've kept looking.
I'm not claiming any special skills negotiating, but one thing I've learned is that being willing to walk away can get you a pretty good deal. And I mean really willing to walk away. If you walk away, and the salesperson gives it a pass, don't have any regrets. It just didn't work out. It's just bidness, after all.