Originally Posted by aceventura3
If everyone who is indignant over excessive use of oil, wars being fought partly because of oil, and the damage that the use of oil is causing the environment, stopped using oil and oil based products they could change the world. But, rather than changing the world, I guess they ask the question - why bother?
Good point, ya old heartless conservative you.
(Meant with love and all respect from a liberal but feels the same way)
You see very few of the people moaning about oil,
out there driving 100% electric cars (Ed Begley JR. is a great man).... "ohhh but they are so expensive"...... if more people bought them and the demand went up, there maybe manufacturers willing to mass produce them and lower the cost.
not flying in planes...... "but it's the fastest cheapest way to get across the country" or "they have bad reps and are for people of a lower class than I"...... maybe but maybe if more people decided to use Amtrak and GreyHound those modes of transportation would have more money to work on developing faster modes of travel. If people of "your" staure starts using them, their reps and stautre will increase also.
not petitioning their cities and states to get solar/wind/water powered generators....... "we can petition all we want but noone will pay attention, people in government are corrupt and owned by special interests and the oil companies"....... Really????? then form groups that not only petition but demand the politicians hear you or YOU'LL VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE.
not riding bikes to work.... "I live too far".... then take a bus or some form of public transport.
not demanding that the shops they shop at, the companies they buy product from use less oil and alternative fuels..... "They won't listen and I don't know what companies use alternative fuels"....... They'll listen if enough people start boycotting and it is as easy as emailing companies and asking them what kind of power sources they use to make their product and if they use petroleum at all.
The point is, stop fucking complaining and do something, change only happens when enough people stand up and work together towards change.
Sitting, crying, bitching and moaning does NOTHING, but show you are too lazy and don't have the desire to truly change things.
Our founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, etc didn't sit there saying, "we need change, why can't things change.... oh whoa is us"... They stood up, were willing to sacrifice everything they had to change and did so.
Our union bosses stood up to the leaders of industry and took broken skulls and beatings to fight for workers rights.
Ghandi went on a hunger strike and suffered many beatings but did so in the name of change.
And YOU all want to sit there and cry the government and the "powers that be" won't change?????
You have to fight for change baby, people get complacent and in comfort levels with the status quo and may cry about change but won't do anything because they may have to make sacrifices......
It takes true men and women, true heroes to stand up, organize and risk all for what they believe. And today there are not enough willing to.