Originally Posted by heroquest
jesus, anyone who picks "underground" rappers like jedi mind tricks or Immortal Technique is just dumb.
best rapper right now is lil wayne hands down
I..I just hope you're being sarcastic.
Also, MF DOOM is awesome. The way the flow and lyrics go together is almost hypnotic.
I was watching MTV yesterday (don't ask me why, I really don't know), and rap(and modern rock, for that matter) is so depressing right now it's not even funny. Thank god there are still a few real artists left out there.
I don't think I should watch MTV anymore. What they choose to make popular is really ruining the modern music scheme (except for some rare refreshing new people, i.e Amy Winehouse).
Why is it that most rap songs talk about clothes, 2 way pagers, chains?
Yesterday I saw a new young female rapper who made a hit talking about lip gloss. "My lip gloss is popping, my lip gloss is cool". Wow. Grammy award winning material right there.