And I'm backed up in that opinion by the fact that we still haven't gotten any oil from Iraq, and our gas prices are sky high.
When one says 'for oil' it doesn't equal 'for the common man to have cheap gas prices'.
Does Big Oil want access to Iraqi-or Persian-oil? Sure they do. But they don't need to get that oil to gain a lot of benefit from the war fought over the oil lands. By taking Iraqi oil off the market, or keeping it off the market, until they can control it, they constrict the market, thus allowing them to squeeze greater profits from their current supplies. Then, when the Iraqi oil does start to flow, if they control it, they can then profit off of that oil. Basically it is a win-win situation for the oil companies. They win if Iraqi oil doesn't flow, and they win if it flows under their control. The only thing that isn't good for them is when a country like Iran is selling oil that isn't under Big Oil's control.
So when we talk about fighting a war for oil, it isn't about yokels like myself being able to fill up without wincing in pain at the price. It is about maximizing profits for the big oil companies.