Will and Host......Israel has demonstrated a commitment to peace for the last thirty years as long as it does not severey threaten its security, all the while facing terrorist attacks against civilians by Fatah, then Hamas along with Hezballah and its sponsorship by Syria and Iran.
In the 70s, the Likud govt of Begin negotiated a lasting peace with Egypt and in the 90s, the Labor govt of Rabin did the same with Jordan.
The leaders of both parties have been willing to negotiate with Palestinian authorities. Rabin negotiated the Oslo agreement that started the formal process of a two-state solution, including the return of the Gaza strip to Palestinian authority...asking two things in return ...a willingness to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and denouncing violence against civilians. THe world community, through the "Quartet" (UN, Russia, EU and US) has adopted the same principles....and that acknowledgement never comes from the Palestinian authorities.
Instead, the Palestinians, with the tacit support of Fatah, at the time, responded with the Intifada and the new Hamas govt continues to deny Israel's right to exist.
The Palestinian people want peace, the Israeli government and people want peace. The Palestinian leaders do not.
If you can demonstrate any willingness by the Palestinian Authority or political parties to seriously negotiate a two-state solution we can continue this discussion.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 06-14-2007 at 04:18 AM..