Originally Posted by dc_dux
Will....I think Loquitor's observation is supported by such offensive actions as he Hamas "Mickey Mouse" cartoon directed to Palestinian kids to kill Jews and destroy Israel.
I have to agree with Golda Mei'rs quote from many years ago: "We can only have peace with the Palestinians when they love their children more than they hate Israel"
Do you agree with a couple of her other quotes?
"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to."
"There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist."
"This country exists as the fulfillment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy."
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking