ugh, I have to get out of this place. My roomates are being complete jerks ever since they learned I want to leave this depressive cesspool. I haven't even been remotely unkind to them and its like they group up and go out at my exclusion.
They all know that I have no funds on me and am tight on money and yet bail to go take advantage of the cooking of his mother for some free food.
I was quite direct in asking him why I wasn't invited since we always used to do stuff together and we've been buds for 6 years.
i've gotten nothing but runaround answers.
anyways, due to my financial shutdown, I called up my previous manager and explained the card fiasco and how i'm kinda in need of cashflow assistance, and I guess I can start work tomorrow

Something to hold it all together in the meantime while I make my phone calls/apps