Roach, this had been front and center in the news (at least on NPR and BBC, my two main sources). So don't worry, plenty of us are following it.
The civil war is a tragedy. I don't think it's fair to blame Israel though. They would be fighting each other regadless. Some of the problems:
- political power struggle between two parties without regard to their constituents' opinion - In short: They are fighting for power that's it. Not any ideology or ideal. Power.
Abbas is weak: because -
- he has a delicate political high wire to walk - hard to juggle local sentiments, extremists when you're a moderate. I would even compare with Khatamei
-lack of support from Israel and US (this is a a great debacle of US and Israeli foreign policy, failing to take the opportunity to engage and help out Abbas in a favorable position that would have benefited everyone, IMO)
- Lack of control and influence within his own party, Fatah
Egypt shares a large portion of the blame (if you want to play that game) in regards to Gaza, since the beginning.
How can Israel be "racist" against Palestinians if they are the same "race"? They aren't even a race so this really doesn't make sense.
It is a complex web though, if you really want to try an untangle the tit-for-tat "who started it" mess.
The Hamas situation is interesting. A non-state actor dubbed a terror organization that is legitimately elected to the government. Sort of throws a wrench in the works. Now the politcal landscape has been redefined and all parties have to scramble for new positions and strategies.
1. Acknowledge Hamas' legitimacy and risk legitimizing an entity that wants to destroy Israel as one of it's mission statements. Greenlight terrorism?
2. Refuse to recognize and risk being a hypocrite for not accepting the democratic process.
It is difficult to run "scenarios" or "what ifs". If the Palestinian occupied territories of Israel were allowed their operating revenue, would the economic flow be ditributed "responsibly" for the construction and improvment of the state, or just funnelled for more weapons and tools of violence for them to carry out their mission statement of destroying Israel?
Israel and the US may have some culpability for the current state of affairs, but I think most of the blame rests with their leadership, Iran, Egypt, and if you want to go back, UK and France and the UN.