Originally Posted by ngdawg
Your scenarios fall under discrimination and, depending on laws on both state and federal levels can be grounds for at least lawsuits and possibly criminal charges. I for one, if found in any of those particular situations, would check out what rights I would have., especially in the rent scenario. No landlord, at least in the states here on the east coast, can discriminate against a potential renter at all. And, following the Denny's suit several years back, no restaurant can refuse service based on race or religious affiliation. That pharmacist should be ashamed of himself, really and I would have definitely filed a complaint there as well.
The only time I was a 'victim' of discrimination was at a job; the new store manager took me off the loading dock and 'replaced' me with a young man at more money. I filed a suit with the state EOE office, but the chain went bankrupt and I never collected.
If a repairman doesn't want to work on a car because of the political statements of some bumper stickers, I suppose he may have a right to refuse the work; however, there may be a fine line between saying, 'Sorry, I can't help you because my son is fighting in Iraq for your right to say he's a loser' and "Sorry, I can't help you because you're a gay jew'. One is simply a matter of conscience; the other is blatant bigotry. It would appear that pharmacist had both going against him and I would be very vocal to everyone I knew and to his boss about his stance. I personally would tell you to file a suit against the landlord who refused to rent to you. Seriously.
Oh great, yet another person who thinks that the answer to every problem in life is to file a lawsuit.
Ever been in a restaurant and seen a prominently displayed sign that reads:
The owners and management of this establishment reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, for any reason.
That means they can turn you away for any/all of the following reasosn and you can't do dick about it:
You are black.
You are white.
You are plaid.
You are gay.
You are a lesbian.
You are a pre-post operative tri-sexual.
You aren't wearing shoes.
You are wearing shoes.
You aren't wearing a shirt.
You are wearing a shirt.
You smell like shit.
You smell like springtime in the French countryside.
(insert reason here)
Bottom line, they can refuse service and not only do they not have to say why, but you can't sue them.