Originally Posted by tenniels
I don't know about things like SSRI's and Accutane causing suicide or homicidal/suicidal rampages. I've been on both types of drugs, and never had any of those feelings. I think in order for that to happen there would have to be an underlying urge in the first place.
The idea of suicidal thoughts actually being enhanced or increased in frequency/severity is more a phenomenon of children and adolescents, not so much in adults. This is generally attributed to/explained as the differences in the way that the neurochemical makeup in our brains function as kids vs. adults. As kids/adolescents, things are very much in flux and it's believed that the increase of suicidal thoughts in that age group is due to the way their constantly-changing serotonin levels react to the drugs. Some circles believe it boils down to making them "more confused" instead of "more focused". In adults, our neurochemical balance doesn't (normally) change/fluctuate nearly as much as it does in adolescents, so the drug has a more controlled environment in which to operate. This generally means a more steady thought-pattern for the user.
Oh, and I haven't read of an FDA clinical drug trial
yet where a kid actually DID kill themselves. It's not just Pfizer, they have all been super-cautious (or maybe super lucky) about it.