Originally Posted by KungFuGuy
as far as advertising goes... advertising is insiduous in that it appears in everything everywhere. do pop ups or banner ads keep you from viewing certain websites or using a web browser? No. You just find ways to ignore them, such as pop up blockers. Did commercials stop people from watching television? No... And only until recently did Tivo and DVR become mainstream in use.
So... will advertisements stop people from using this awesome mutli touch technology? NO! It won't!
Actually, before pop-up blockers and adblocking extensions became available for browsers like Firefox, advertisements on a web page were pretty influential in whether or not I would visit the page with any frequency. It is precisely because we are bombarded with ads so much already - on TV, before/after movies, at the bus stop, on the sides of buses/subway trains, on billboards, on the sides of buildings, etc, etc - that I have absolutely no desire to see it even more. They already have advertisements on menus at some restaurants, and it ruins the dining experience for me so I don't go to those places often. Make those advertisements flash and spin around my drink, and I won't be a repeat customer.