Originally Posted by Lasereth
I want to play StarCraft. Too bad, doesn't support widescreen. I want to play BF 1942. Too bad. BF: Vietnam? Nope. BF2? Nope. BF2142?
BF1942 - http://www.widescreengamingforum.com...ghlight=bf1942 (about 5 comments down)
BF: Vietnam - http://www.widescreengamer.com/b/bat...d_vietnam.html
BF2 - http://www.widescreengamingforum.com...pic.php?t=1030
BF2142 - http://www.widescreengamer.com/b/battlefield_2142.html
Yes, your correct about Starcraft and many older games, though.
Even if you stop the clock, it gives the right time twice a day.
Once we get out of the eighties, the nineties are going to make the sixties look like the fifties.