Originally Posted by Charlatan
Wow. By your argument, you would support business owners that don't want to serve blacks at their lunch counter. You would support a blacks to the back of the bus decision.
This is just incredibly wrong-headed.
I'd support such business owners in the style of the famous Voltaire quote, adjusted for property rights. But I'd not knowingly give them my dollars.
I know it was a while and a name change ago, but I think you and Jazz read too much into Galt's comments. Or I'm reading too much into yours. Galt/Telluride as much says that he's not defending discrimination, but only the right to discriminate. While you might disagree with that as well, it's crucial that the difference is recognized. I speak at least for myself when I say that the latter is not inherently bigoted.
And yeah, needless to say, I disagree with the New Jersey bill.