I'm surprised to see so much negativity going on in this thread, I think this technology is awesome in a grand scale!
Like most emerging technology, the 1st waves are always going to be super pricey, remember how much the first round VCR players cost? (i don't personally but my parents say they were a lot) How about the first round camcorders?
Did the high cost for these devices keep the general populace from getting them? Or did it prevent technological improvements allowing manufacturers to produce the product at a significantly lower cost? The answer is no.
It's expected that the first adopters of this technology will probably be businesses and high end restaurants and hotels, but I see it increasingly becoming a facet of every day life.
as far as advertising goes... advertising is insiduous in that it appears in everything everywhere. do pop ups or banner ads keep you from viewing certain websites or using a web browser? No. You just find ways to ignore them, such as pop up blockers. Did commercials stop people from watching television? No... And only until recently did Tivo and DVR become mainstream in use.
So... will advertisements stop people from using this awesome mutli touch technology? NO! It won't!
As far as porn goes, this might not enhance viewing, but it will increase interactivity with games. Imagine rubbing the touch screen and watching the titties go up and down correspondingly.
A lot of the negative talk in here reminds me of what I read about the nay-sayers when "talkies" came out.