Originally Posted by BBtB
Cindy Sheehan shamed her son. She wasn't silenced by the media. She wasn't silenced by either party. She was simply speaking a message that the majority of Americans did not want to hear. One person CAN change the world, the majority of Americans do not want the America this lady does, and thank God for that. Also this thread is about Cindy Sheehan and her retiring from her fanatical ranting and raving... Why are we talking about the deficit?
Cindy Sheehan fell victim to this truth:
<h3>.....<a href="http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2007/06/10/lieberman/index.html">In the American political framework, one can never lose credibility by urging on new wars. That is an inherently respectable position. Only opposing new wars, or the continuation of old ones, can result in a loss of credibility....</a></h3>